
宿泊 (魚沼市) Accomodations

Uounma-shi boasts lots of splendid onsen. In winter, you can soak in a bath watching beautiful snow falling from the sky. In summer, you can dip yourself in Rotenburo(Outdoor bath) breathing fresh air from the mountains.

Here are some lists of the Onsen hotels and ryokans(Japanese style inns).

Ooyu Onsen(大湯温泉): This area still retains somewhat Shouwa era(1926-1989) atmosphere
Hotel Yumoto(ホテル湯元); this onsen has huge baths to enjoy, dinner and breakfast is served as buffet style; tel 025-795-2221; including two meals from 6800yen; Higaeri Nyuuyoku 日帰り入浴(a stop-by just for bathing) is possible, admission 780yen; http://www.yumoto.co.jp

Yunoyado Kairi(ゆの宿 峡里); tel 025-795-2311; including two meals from 12750yen, this onsen ryokan offers unique bathtubs ;  http://www.kairi.co.jp

Yumoto Shouya Izumiya Ryokan(湯元庄屋 和泉屋旅館); tel 025-795-2031; incl two meals from 10650yen; http://www.ooyu-izumiya.com/

Murakamiya Ryokan(村上屋旅館); tel 025-795-2021; incl two meals from 10650yen; this ryokan has fine views of the mountains from the baths;  http://www.murakamiya.com/

Kappou Ryokan Yoshidaya(割烹旅館 吉田屋); tel 025-795-2108; without meals from 6300yen; owner's daughter speaks English and can give you informations on trekking around the mountains; http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/rieinbow2000/

Tochiomata Onsen(栃尾又温泉): Tochiomata is tucked away from Ooyu area and flanked by mountains on both sides. Here you can soak in lukewarm and radium rich baths for hours a day. There are only three ryokans here. 

Jizaikan(自在館); tel 025-795-2211; fax 025-795-2511; incl two meals from 11280yen; some baths you can reserve for private bathing for a certain length of time;  http://www.jizaikan.jp/

Jinpuukan(神風館); tel 025-795-2306; fax 025-795-2821; incl two meal 7290yen; http://www.yunotani.com/~jinpuukan/

Hougando(宝巌堂); tel 025-795-2216; fax 025-795-2949; incl two meals from 12750yen; this ryokan is nice and cozy and highly recommended for its hospitality and delicious meals; Okamisan (owner's wife) speaks English; http://www.ho-gan-do.com/

Komano Yu Onsen(駒の湯温泉): This onsen is situated at the foot of the Komagatake Mountain. Hot spring water is gushing out 2000lit/minute. There is only one ryokan here. 

Komano Yu Sansou(駒の湯山荘); tel 090-2560-0305(satellite phone); this onsen serves very local cuisine mainly consists of mountain vegetables and local products; incl two meals from 9950yen; open from late April to mid November

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